Monday, October 24, 2011

Saturday June 4, 2011

We have definitely figured out that it is all about attitude! No matter what amazing thing is happening, if you are negative you are going to have a bad day.

We have also discovered that traveling stretches you. This sounds silly, but everyone only looks at smiling photos and exotic places. They don’t see how incredibly hot it is, how tired you are, the long line you had to wait in or how hungry you are.
Anyway...Slept great. Able to check email in the room, which is nice to not have to go down the street. Mom and I have been sending voice messages to my family members via an app on our phones called HeyTell. You just use the Internet, record a voice memo and it sends it for free. Amazing.
Went out to get some cereal and milk. Nom nom nom.
Me and my boyfriend

really cool statues in a park near our hotel.
The men are leaning forward symbolizing the progression of society and the people's sacrifice.



On the way out from the hotel we saw this crazy Harley Davidson parade just roll through the streets for a good ten minutes. The funniest thing is it sparked the only fight that mom and I got in the entire trip. AND we got it on camera! Once I get the pictures and videos off mom’s phone, I will post it. Its quite funny.

Our cool hotel. We have to drop off our key every time we leave
and get it back from the front desk upon return.

Went out to Charles Bridge. Worse than Las Ramblas as far as crowds. 
we love these covered walkways! Its so hot!

It was nicer because of all the street art. There seems to be art everywhere, which mom and I both love. We found the analogical clock, which was pretty cool.
marionette versions of Barcelona soccer players!

lots of weddings happening in the square

27 crosses. Spot where 27 people were beheaded by the church

Was there at the hour and they ring clock tower and trumpet every hour on the hour.
Mom's chicken and potatoes.

We talked to the T.I and got some information and then went to a really awesome place for lunch. It was like an underground cave thing with mood lighting.
My steak and potatoes in a apple cream sauce. Best meal thus far.

We got tickets for a black light theater @ 7 and went back to the hotel for what we thought would be two hours but by the time we got there we had about a half hour.

Went to the play, sort of like silent interpretive Alice in Wonderland. Black lights make everything glow.
We brought some apples to eat in the play and got this like sugar coated dough thing that kind of gave me a stomachache. We were tired throughout the play but we made due

Got out at 8:30 and it was still light out! Sun doesn’t go down till like 9:30 at night. 

Took the trolley back, which was so easy to use. Water is a little weird so we tried to get some normal water on the way home. Watched a depressing movie when we got back. Sleep. Taking a bike tour tomorrow.

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