Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sunday May 29,2011

Wake, pack, breakfast, and check out. Hotel held our bags and we were off to the Palau de Musica Catalanya. 
I had taken pics on the outside during the photo tour but the inside was much better. 
Of corse no photos inside.

We had reserved the tour two days in advance. 50 mins inside a beautiful auditorium. It was designed as a garden. Stained glass and flowers everywhere. 

We then walked around trying to find food. Mom thought every place looked too touristy for her taste. 20 mins later and we were at the burger king of sandwich shops. Really mom? We got our sandwiches to go then grabbed a cab to Parce Guell, which was beautiful but soo crowded. It was like Disney world! We had gotten some veggies earlier and found a nice spot to eat them. 

I dont really include it in the journal, but we ate veggies all day every day.
Mom is a hamster.

We ate a sweet pepper, tomato, 2 carrots and some of the sandwiches. We then proceeded to walk around the street vendor infested parc. It was ridiculous. It stole away from the magic and fantasy that Gaudi had created. It was given somewhat back when we went under a huge terrace and there was a man playing the cello and violinist playing classical music for the park-goers. 

There is also this really famous mosaic lizard that is like the symbol of the park that was harder to get to than mickey mouse. For real.
Famous lizard lol

20 min walk to the metro station, then Rambles for food.
( Oh I forgot to say how the other day we got soooo lost. For like an hour! It was terrible!)
We got food for now and then some for dinner on the train. We would not be eating again for a while.
Mom and I decided that Barca is like a mix between New York and beautiful scenery. The sites are touristy but not in the cheap way.
Got to train station, got on the train after checking with a million people that we were indeed on the correct train. Rooming with two older Spanish women who were just adorable!

             So a first class sleeper cabin means 4 beds that take the place of your seats and a mirror. Boom, that’s it!

The women don’t speak English but offered us coolies and then asked where we were going in Spanish. I answered and they were shocked and immediately started asking all these questions about our trip and where we were from. I was quite impressed with my Spanish skills as was my mom. They were the sweetest ladies every except one of them snored all night! Sleep was not great. I turned the noise machine on for a little but was scared my phone was going to die.
Going to sleep now!

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