Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday May 27,2011

Waking up at 7:30 was a real treat. We ate. Got ready. Met our photo guide Diana at la Sagrada Familia, at the Domino’s restaurant that did not actually exist.

Diana, photo guide

Apparently manuual focus is all that should ever be used. Ever. She was a swift walker in athletic pants, top and sneakers. My sandals were no mathc or the next four hours of insane cardio and info pumped into my brain. To be honest I am still a little overwhelmed by the whole thing. The photos I took were not super amazing but it helped me understand a few more things that will help my pictures throughout the trip.

We went to a random tapas place for lunch after the lesson. Which actually wasn’t very good but it was food and I was dying. I got chicken kabobs with salad. She got very salty chicken with rice. She complains that most things are very salty so in her defense, it actually was. 

After the insane morning we had, a nap was in order. I really don’t think I am conveying effectively just how much we walked. Everywhere that we have been metro-ing around the past few days, we walked. Many times over. I thought I was going to die.
Rested from 3:30-5 then left the hotel at 6 and headed back to Jaume ( the really cool spot we found the night before)

Had quite the miniscule meal. Seriously, we thought it was a joke. We ordered a salad with fish and a shrimp thing in a clay pot. The waitress dripped the salad at the table and we just stared at it. Mom was convinced it was like a free salad that came with the meal. 
entree salad. seriously?

Then my shrimp came in a dish that most people would put bracelets in or something.

 Then we knew it was our $10 and $12 shrimp. In their defense, it was actually good.
So far we have been smart about using the bathroom. Any restaurant we go to, the bathroom will be used. Bathrooms are not abundant here like candy thrown out at a parade like they are in the US. Here they are hidden and for the Spanish speaking elite, like a secret club we weren’t invited into.

We walked around and got some chocolate. Dark choc with macadamian nuts and dark choc over almonds. 
on the quest for chocolate
Then we got some choc chip bread and some sort of gluten free bread thing on accident which mom actually liked ( go figure). 

we thought it was choc. Jokes on us

Found an amazing little gypsy shop with amazing colorful jewelry, but sort of expensive. Mom got two earing and I got one. They are beautiful!
gypsy shop. In love

Then mom was surprised when I said I was still hungry after gourging myself on the baby food at the restaurant.
We went to a lively funky tapas bar that we had seen earlier. Tapas go like this. You basically get a plate then just walk around eating little bite sized breads with things on top. 

the staff liked us lol

Then you just hand them your plate when you are done with all the tooth picks on them, and they charge you for it. Shit like this would never fly in the US. Not honest enough.
The staff was young and very friendly so It was nice to let loose a little.

Headed back in the metro, which I have now mademy bitch. Seriously, I know it like the back of my hand.
We have made up little nicknames to help us remember which line to take when:
Fondo= Frodo= what we need to take when we need to head out. Frodo leads us on an adventure with the lord of the rings.
Urquan…=Uruguay= one stop on the way to Jaime ( see below) we have to switch routes at urugay.
La Pau= La Pa
Jaume- Jaime- our fun destination with shopping and tapas
Hospital- On way home. We say we need to go to the hospital after Frodo took us on our journey.
Hey..anything to remember where the hell you are going.

Oh and apparently we weren't done eating cause I needed pizza
Brie pizza. OMG amazing

we made a makeshift table out of our nightstand drawer

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